ベルリンのリュミエール/ 666号室 デジタルニューマスター版 [DVD]
- 出版社/メーカー: 東北新社
- 発売日: 2006/08/25
- メディア: DVD
- クリック: 2回
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『Clip from Room 666 (1982) Jean-Luc Godard』
I've got this piece of paper that Wim Wenders gave me./He's set up a camera and a tape recorder...and left me here./But he hasn't set me up properly...for me to see the tennis game./It's a ball... a ball who talks...I'll play the ball... I'll play the fool./This is the enquiry about the future of the camera.
The context:
more and more movies look like TV series...in terms of lighting framing, and editing./For large part of the audience all over the world...a television aesthetic has replaced a cinematic aesthetic./Well.../You have to know who invented television...and what the context was./Its arrival coincided with the talkies...at a time when governments were half-consciously thinking of...harnessing the incredible power that was released by the silent film...which, unlike painting, achieved instant popularity,/Popularity among the masses./Rembrandt's paintings and Mozart's music...were supported by the kings and princes./But it was a mass public that very quickly came to support the cinema./The silent movie was something to behold./First you look, then you speak./The sound film might have been invented right away, but that didn't happen./Instead, it look thirty years./The age of reason./Whoever has the power has right on his side, as I said in a movie./First came the technical birth of television./When the film people weren't interested in it...it had to be rescued by the post office,people working in communications./So, today, television is like a little post office.and you have to be very close to the picture./In the cinema, on the other hand,the picture is large and intimidating...and you watch it from some distance./Today, it seems people would rather look at a small picture close up...than a large one from a distance./Television emerged very quickly because it was born in the USA./It was born at the very same time as the advertising that financed it./So it was the highly articulate advertising world...saying things in a single phrase or image...like Eisenstein,as good as Eisenstein...as good as Potemkin./So they made ads like Potemkin,only Potemkin is 90 minutes long./An ad is less than a minute long./Because otherwise...you would have to tell the truth about the car or the tennis racket./It is linked to the truth and we admit the lack of it...and all the chattering that goes with it./More and more movies talk about other movies...rather than about a reality outside the cinema./It's true. It's difficult to shoot outdoors, you have to take risks./It seems that life can't provide stories with no troubles./As soon as there is trouble,we say there is no story./We just want a story we know already./We are reassured not because it is the story of Alain Delon and his gun...or Charles Bronson...or something like that./But because we know the end,we are reassured about our own story./I think a picture is like an x-ray you take, sick or not./You get worried or reassured after seeing a bit or your own story./And television is made in the name of power...political and money power./They don't want a story./There is not story in Dallas./Sometimes that is what I like about Dallas./Fewer and fewer movies are made:/That's not true./We make more and more movies./Americans are very good,They make fewer movies...They found out that you need to make fewer movies./Hollywood's dream is to make one movie...but the television makes it...and to have it distributed everywhere.Movie and TV series change titles./But they are still the same./Text becomes more important to characterize the story./So people can think it's different./Like kids...Why do people have kids ?/There is a focus towards big productions: we do less but distribute more widely./Small movies tend to disappear./Cinema was born with small movies./Small nations too, poor or rich,will disappear./Everything small./Film on VHS are available very quickly./Yes.../This new market is booming...people prefer to watch movies at home on tape./Is cinema dying out as a language,will it soon be a defunct art form ?/It really doesn't matter./It's bound to happen some time./I shall die, but will my art die ?/I remember telling Henri Langlois that...he should throw away his collection of films...and go off somewhere,otherwise he would die./So one should just go off somewhere./It's much the better way./Films are created when there's no one looking./They are the Invisible./What you can't see is the Incredible...and it's the task of the cinema to show you that.